Welsh Assembly Government
Walking & Cycling Strategy Foreword
Executive Summary
A vision for Walking & Cycling
Seeing the bigger picture
Devlivering on the ground
Making Change
Setting the Goals
Further Information



Walking and cycling is good for us.

Many of us do walk.

In Wales 26% of all purposeful trips are made wholly by walking. Around 11% of people walk to work and an estimated 45% of 5-16 year olds walk to school.
Over the past 10 years, the average total number of walking trips per person has fallen by around 20%.
Some of us want to cycle.

Around 1% of people cycle to work.

In Great Britain, around 1% of trips to school are by bicycle.

An estimated 38% of households in Wales now own a cycle.

Yet the number of trips by bicycle in Great Britain has fallen by around 37% since the mid 1980s.

Most of us prefer to use our cars.

In Wales, around 8% of car journeys are less than 1 mile, 26% are less than two miles, and 58% are under 5 miles.